Friday, December 27, 2013

Studying Japanese

I started studying on the 24th this month(December).
So far it's a lot of reading, which I don't mind.
Right now I'm learning the Romaji part, but it's only for Pronunciation purposes.
Once I finish the pronunciation and the pattern/have it down I'll be moving to the actual kana of Hiragana.
I finished the first 10 columns yesterday.
I start Dakuten today.

A あ - a -- か - ka -- さ - sa -- た - ta -- な - na -- は - ha -- ま - ma -- や - ya -- ら - ra -- わ - wa -- ん - n

I   い - i -- き - ki -- し - shi -- ち - chi -- に - ni -- ひ - hi -- み - mi -- x -- り - ri -- x -- x

U  う - u -- く - ku -- す - su -- つ - tsu -- ぬ - nu -- ふ - fu/hu -- む - mu -- ゆ - yu -- る - ru -- x -- x
E  え - e -- け - ke -- せ - se -- て - te -- ね - ne -- へ - he -- め - me -- x -- れ - re -- x -- x
お - o -- こ - ko --そ - so -- と - to -- の - no --ほ - ho -- も - mo -- よ - yo -- ろ - ro -- を - wo -- x


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A fresh start 2014


I am nervous!
I knew when I was young that I wanted to go to college but what I wanted to go for has changed since then.
I quit school in 9th grade, for personal issues I guess you could say.
I knew that wouldn't stop me from attending college.
It's like a life goal of mine.
I started going to Moultrie Tech soon after I quit.
In Moultrie Tech you take a placement test, if you pass you can go ahead and take the GED test, if you don't you have to attend classes until you are ready for the GED test and I wasn't ready.
So I had to attend classes.
There are levels that you have to complete/pass in order to take the GED test and I got to a point to where I wasn't getting any better, so I gave up...I know it was a dumb choice...
I still feel the same way about my self as I did back them but I am more confident now, that I CAN do it!

My plan as of now,
is to get a practice GED test and study.
I want to be able to pass the test twice(2 different tests of course) before taking the actual test.
I have also thought about going to high school online year round but the GED thing seems like it would be quicker.
I would like to hear your opinions on this(or the whole thing).

As for college.
I use to want to go for art, but as I got older and made friends with other artists that have gone to school for that, say it isn't worth it, that you can teach your self all you need to know.
That they were being taught things they already knew.
Or that their styles were being changed.
So I decided that I would go to school to become bilingual.
I have always loved other languages, especially Japanese.
I am not 100% sure if that's a major I've seen places that offer it as a major.
I also plan to go for marketing for a minor(or major).
Something I am not looking forward to, are core classes.
I suck at almost every subject, especially Math and English(go figure).
My favorite subject is History.
With core classes I know I will need help staying focused.
If they are just like high school... -__-'
I may be doing this online although I prefer face to face.
I would like to be in an actual class but...idk. for now I will see if I can do most of it online.

I'm more nervous now though.
Being a mom I'm afraid I'll neglect my son(I'll feel that way no matter what though...).
I don't want to give up again.
I know I will need help thru this.
I know I'll need encouragement.
One thing that is really going to suck, I wont be able to draw as much. D:

I will be in Texas until 2015.
Lets see how far I get until then.
feel free to post a comment with any questions, opinions or information you may have!