Friday, January 31, 2014

I'm A Stay At Home Mom

I never really did too good in school, but I have always loved learning.
I am a mother and I love teaching my son in any way possible.

I figured I would share links to the things I use.
These are all English alphabet and language.
ABC worksheets
Endless Alphabet - It's no longer free unfortunately,
and has change a lot since my son first started using it,
but it is still one of our favorite apps!
Reading Raven - Another favorite app of ours.

These are a few of the things I use for Japanese.
All are free.
Hiragana & Katakana
Hiragana Lessons

For Beginners
Kanji a Day



Friday, January 17, 2014


 I have been practicing! ^-^
Using Twitter and Instagram.
I know a lot of the kana.
Basically I know what it says but not what they mean. lol.
A little frustrating, but so exciting!

I've been drawing a good bit lately which I'm surprised seeing as how inspiration and motivation aren't my friends right now. :\

That's really all that's been happening lately to make mention of.
