Wednesday, October 15, 2014


50 vocabulary words every week(or 2 depends).
N5 vocabulary on Memrise.

levels 18 and 20
to take - とる - 取る
(the speaker’s) mother - はは - 母
umbrella - かさ - 傘
cute - かわいい - 可愛い
three - さん - 三
to stop(moving) - とまる - 止まる
underground train - ちかてつ - 地下鉄
nine(things) - ここのつ - 九つ
east - ひがし - 東
red - あかい - 赤い
sugar - さとう - 砂糖
word(s) - ことば - 言葉
heavy - おもい - 重い
Sunday - にちようび - 日曜日
music - おんがく - 音楽
birthday - たんじょうび - 誕生日
refrigerator - れいぞうこ - 冷蔵庫
river(traditional) - かわ - 河
to get tired - つかれる -疲れる
slippers - スリッパ -
previous - さき - 先
coffee - コーヒー -
curry - カレー -
day after tomorrow - あさって - 明後日
to buy - かう - 買う
bank - ぎんこう - 銀行
when - いつ -
place - ところ - 所
stairs - かいだん - 階段
light brown - ちゃいろ - 茶色
clear weather - はれ - 晴れ
near(beside) - そば - 側
swimming pool - プール -
pork - ぶたにく - 豚肉
please - どうぞ -
next year - らいねん - 来年
(the speaker’s) father - ちち - 父
pretty - きれい - 綺麗
weather - てんき - 天気
song - うた - 歌
to borrow - かりる - 借りる
corridor - ろうか - 廊下
yellow - きいろい - 黄色い
foot - あし - 足
picture - え - 絵
unskillful - へた - 下手
pupil - せいと - 生徒
noisy - うるさい - 煩い
rest, vacation - やすみ - 休み
I - わたし - 私

Friday, October 10, 2014

Studying + Japanese For Busy People and えもふり


this turned into an update of random things.
Long story short, I have not studied in about a week.
There is a lot going on right now, but I will try to start studying again today.
And hopefully I can keep it up.
Tonight I am just reviewing things I have already studied.
Refreshing my memory.

I recently bought Japanese For Busy People II.

I'm not done with book I but they are nice to have around.
They are mini motivations(among many other things).
Japanese For Busy People is my favorite series.
I hope I can find more like it.
It's quick continuous learning.
Goes into detail but not too much.
Just enough to teach you what you are learning.
What I REALLY like about it, is that it uses Japanese more than English.
And I think that is very important when learning Japanese.
For obvious reasons.

I am more active on Tumblr & Twitter.
Also, I made a video.
I've also started playing with emofuri.
My first attempt.



Monday, September 8, 2014


Here is a list of active J-vloggers I like to watch/listen to.
JVlog refers to a community of video bloggers, known as vloggers, that live in Japan. The JVlog community is made up of foreign and Japanese nationals that make videos for YouTube.

Sharla in JapanSharla's Life ♡
Laura Dex
Rachel & Jun
Hide and Jessica
Mimei - Mimei Land - BaCouple VS Japan - PDRさん
Japanagos - Chika's English Lessons
tomoko tomoko
SasakiasahiVlog - Sasakiasahi
Gimmemeaflakeman - Gimmieabreakman
White English Girl
Sandra No Sekai
Japan With Regan

not sure why I didn't make a list sooner...there are more that I will more than likely add later.
If any of the links do not work, let me know! :)


Sunday, August 17, 2014

! Study Study Study !

Hiragana1 and Katakana2 came first.
I did 2 rows each week. I would not recommend doing 4 rows in 1 week.
With Dakuten I just remembered what the sounds change to. I didn't actually study them. Same with Combination Hiragana. (0_o;)
* * Forgot Verb Groups! I learned the verb groups before I dove farther into vocabulary!
Kanji kind of slips in there.
I am not really focused on learning Kanji at the moment but I'm still learning them.
I follow people on Twitter who tweet in Japanese(and English) so I see some Kanji almost every time I log on.

Listening to songs you already know in English, in Japanese.
I listen to Disney songs in Japanese with Japanese subtitles in kana and some will have Romaji(depends on who subs it).
Listen to the songs and follow the subtitles. Try singing along.
Even listening to them while you are doing other things is good. Which is what I am doing right now.
podcasts, vloggers(video bloggers), any chance you get, take it.

I use Lang-8 a good bit. I have met a lot of really nice and helpful people from that site.
Make up a paragraph. It can be about anything. About what you did, what you plan to do or something made up. 5 or more sentences in English(or your mother tongue), that way you know exactly what you want to say.
Go thru and write the words you already know in Hiragana/Katakana(don't worry about Kanji right now).
Add which particles and conjugations you would use before trying to look them up.
Post it to Lang-8.
If you receive corrections, don't get distraught or discourage. Corrections are a good thing!!!
Be sure to study those corrections!
I started plucking out the words I used in the paragraph I wrote, writing them in a small notebook(the size of my hand) and study them when ever I can or when ever I feel like it.

Memrise(listed in my resources) is great! I use it almost every day.
I was recently introduced to a site called Lingocracy. I haven't been able to use it much, but from what I have seen from using it, it is great for reading and vocabulary. You can learn more about the site before actually using it here.
I also think with reading, you learn grammar. It's like listening helps you with pronunciation.
After you read for some months(or years) you'll eventually get use to how sentences are set up. Maybe? I'm still in the process of getting it down. ^_^;

I have been studying for 8 months now. Self-studying. So I am a beginner still.
Being a stay at home mom you don't have much free time to study, well at least not without constant interruptions.
I practice thru out the day by talking to my self. Using words and sentences I know.
But wait until my son is in bed before studying. Reading, posting. Stuff I need to focus on, I wait until the end of the day.
I try spending 2 to 3 hours studying and be in bed by 12AM(sometimes it's 1 or 2AM), so that I get 6 to 8 hours of sleep(all depends on what time my son decides to get up).
Whether or not my methods work, I guess only time will tell.
I am very excited and impatient with learning.


user ID blasphemy90

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


August has been busy, so I haven't been studying or drawing.
I haven't been posting either.


Friday, July 11, 2014

Ta Form



Ta Form/Casual Past
て into た
で into だ

う, つ, る -- take off the ending and put った
ぬ, ぶ, む -- んだ
く -- いた
exception 行く - 行った
ぐ -- いだ
す -- した
EX. 買(か)う - 買った(to buy-i bought)
遊(あそ)ぶ -  遊んだ(to play-i played)
書(か)く - 書いた(to write-i wrote)
泳(およ)ぐ - 泳いだ(to swim-i swam)
話す - 話した(to talk-i talked)

...eる or ...iる
replace る with た.
EX. 出「で」る - 出た

する - した
くる - きた
EX. 掃除(そうじ)する - 掃除した(to clean-i cleaned)


Verb Groups
Te Form
Masu Form

*Ta Form


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Masu Form

Masu Form/polite form

う to い
う, つ, る
飲(の)む - 飲みます(to drink)
取(と)る - 取ります(to take)
話(はな)す - はなします(to talk; speak)

...eる and ...iる
drop る add ます
見る - 見ます

する - し+ます
くる - き+ます
勉強する - 勉強します

Polite Negative
add ません instead of ます
わかる(to understand) - わかります(understand) - わかりません(don't understand)

add ます instead of ました
わかる - わかりました(I understood)

Negative Past
add ませんでした(I didn't understand) instead of ます

ましょう instead of ます
勉強しましょう。 - Let's study!

Verb Groups
Te Form
Masu Form
NEXT Ta Form

If there are any mistakes please comment with corrections, they are greatly appreciated!


Saturday, May 17, 2014

All resources

Instead of having them all spread out into different posts I figured I would post them all here in one.
I'll just update this post every time I find something new and useful.

1. Memrise There is also an app for apple and android
2. PuniPuni It's really cute. Looks like it's more for children but...that's what I like about it. ;P
3. Kanji-Link A very helpful and in depth explanation.
4. Denshi Jisho GREAT for looking up the meaning of a kanji and their stroke order. You can also search kanji by its radicals.
5. Rikaichan for Firefox(Rikaikun for Chrome) best thing I have installed onto my computer!
6. Google Japanese Input A Japanese keyboard for your phone basically. I use it everyday. Even has cute emojis I can't stop using. :3
7. Digital Japanese Keyboard Only good for Hirigana.
8. Lang-8 has been very helpful for me. I have met some very nice people thru that site.
9. Kana and Kanji Quiz(Windows App)Good for studying and practicing Katakana, Hirigana and Kanji.
10. Genki($20-$50+) Can be expensive...for some reason...but has good explanations and exercises.
11. Maggie Sensei One of my absolute favorite blogs! Very helpful. I have spent so much time on that blog! ^-^;

I think that's all I have for now.
I hope these are helpful.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Te Form

Ways The Te Form Can Be Used
*used in the middle of a sentence to connect the next verb/connect two sentences.
konbini ni itta o nigiri o kaimasu.
I will go to the conveniant store and buy onigiri.

*asking someone to do something by adding ください to the te form
*asking permission to do something by adding いいですか to the te form
*action in progress


Now, the Groups
う、つ、る -- take off the ending and put って
ぬ、ぶ、む-- んで
く -- いて
exception 行く - 行って
ぐ -- いで
す -- して
leaving it as is without connecting it to anything, it can be used as an informal request to a family or friend.
EX. 待(ま)つ - 待って(to wait)
聞(き)く - 聞いて(to listen-listen to me)
飲(の)む - 飲んで(to drink-drink)
ぬぐ - 脱いで(to take off-take of your shoes)
かす - 貸して(to lend-lend it to me)

...eる or ...iる
replace る with て.
EX. 見(み)る - 見て

する - して
くる - きて
EX. 電話(でんわ)する - 電話して(to call)

Verb Groups
Next Masu Form
Then Ta Form

As usual, if there are any mistakes please comment with corrections, they are greatly appreciated!

* * *Difference between ~te and ~te imasu.
English Present Progressive (am/is/are ... ing) and Simple Present.
Japanese -te imasu is not only used to refer for actions in progress, but also to states of being.
* ~te imasu as "ing" for example in English "I'm studying".
~masu for more like verb as a noun. Example "Study"


Verb Groups

I started working on verbs. I ended up taking a day off from studying because damn I was confused. I was not sure where to start and I was all over the place.
Now that I finally got around to organizing everything and somewhat have them figured out I'll post what I know so far.
Let's explain the Verb Groups first.

Group 1 ~U verbs(verbs ending with U)

EX. 話(はな)す- to speak
聞(き)く - to listen
書(か)く - to write
待(ま)つ - to wait
飲(の)む - to drink

Group 2 ...eる ...iる(verbs ending with ...eる and ...iる)
iru EX. 着(き)る - to wear
見(み)る - to see
起(お)きる - to get up
降(お)りる - to get off
信(しん)じる - to believe

eru EX. 開(あ)ける - to open
あげる - to give
出(で)る - to go out
寝(ね)る - to sleep
食(た)べる - to eat

There are some exceptions. The following verbs belong to Group 1, though they end with "~ iru" or "~ eru".
入(はい)る - to enter
走(はし)る - to run
いる - to need
帰(かえ)る - to return
限(かぎ)る - to limit
切(き)る - to cut
しゃべる - to chatter
知(し)る - to know
To be honest this I figure is just something you have to remember. Since I couldn't find an reason as to why they are exceptions.

Group 3 Irregular Verbs 
くる(to come)
する(to do)
suru is most used verb in Japanese. It is used as, "to do", "to make" or "to cost".
Also combined with nouns(of chinese and western origin) to make them into verbs.
EX. 勉強する - to study
旅行する - to travel
輸出する - to export
ダンスする - to dance
しゃんぷうする - to shampoo

Next I'll post about Te forms.
Then Masu form.
Then Ta forms.
I would post them all together but for the sake of keeping it simple.

I hope this is somewhat helpful to someone.
And if there are any mistakes, please do comment with corrections!
It would be greatly appreciated!


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Update 6

Haven't posted in a while.
This past week has been productive, last week, not so much.
But this week, so far, I have learned,
これ kore = this
それ sore = that
あれ are = that over there

この kono = this
その sono = that
あの ano = that over there

ここ koko = this place
そこ soko = that place
あそこ asoko = that place over there

だれ dare = who
だれの dare no = whose
どこ doko = where

I also learned numbers 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000, 10,000

Right now I am trying to form my own sentences more.
I'm working on counters.
ex. いっぴき ip(piki) = 1(small animal like pets, fish, reptiles)
いっとう it(tou) = 1(large animal like lions, bears, horses)
いっかい ik(kai) = 1st floor(floors of a building)
etc etc.
My vocabulary is still pretty small, but I'm learning.

Please do correct any and all mistakes you may see!


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Genki I start over + random update 5

So I am starting over with the Genki I book because I kind of screwed my self by jumping through it.
I am going to be more thorough.
I have issues focusing which is why I was basically skimming it.
I stopped at lesson 3 and started over.
I am now halfway thru lesson one again. I feel much better doing it this way.

I am getting better with creating sentences.
At first it was a bit difficult but the more I read the easier it got.
It's still a work in progress, but I'm getting better. :)

My manga came in the mail finally. a few days ago! I am excited!
I haven't started reading it yet though.
For obvious reasons.

Once I get better at Japanese I plan to do these entries in Japanese, Romaji and English.
I like seeing others doing it, because not only is it interesting but it is also helpful.
I posted about it on Twitter a little while back, but, like I said it is helpful. It has helped me learn a few kanji and helps with my vocabulary.
And I hope by doing that I will be able to help others in the future as much as it has helped me.
Maybe even make a video or two ... maybe. lol. (っ◕‿◕)っ ✿

Friday, March 28, 2014

Can I just say...

Something I think is pretty amazing.
I have met someone who speaks French, someone who speaks Arabic, someone who speaks Spanish and someone who speaks Russian.
We don't understand each other speaking our first language, but we understand each other when we speak Japanese.

It's just awesome that 1 language brings people together and that the language is no ones native language.
Can't wait to get better!!!
Self motivation!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Language Partner

I will say this, due to past experiences I prefer a female language partner when it comes to skype.
Rather you be someone just learning Japanese(like myself) or are learning English(I'll do my best to help you).
But any one can follow and talk to me on Twitter.
Will more than likely follow back.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014



Just felt like posting.

Purple is my favorite color. ^///^
ニャ ニャ


Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I am pretty sure I am screwing my self by going back and forth between different things.
one minute I'll be working on Kanji the next I'll be working on my Genki workbook then I'll be reading another book.
I need to focus on one thing at a time. Or at least spend a day or week with one and the next day or week with the other.

Anyways, random post about nothing really.
I hope everyone is well!

Saturday, March 22, 2014


I recently purchased Genki An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I.
It's been recommended many times so i figured I would give it a try.
I'm always so hesitant to buy things that are suppose to help me, because I don't know if they will work or not.
But I figured since so many people are referring to this book I should give it a go.
And so...I now have it and will see how well this goes. :\



Saturday, March 15, 2014

update 4

I have been pretty lazy this week with Japanese.
I was in an art block so I did nothing but study that entire time, now that I have gradually come out of it, I haven't been studying as much.

But I plan to do much better this coming week.
I bought my first manga in Japanese.
It's not my first manga, but my first manga that's in Japanese.
I'm just waiting for it to come in them mail. I have never bought a manga online.
Reluctant to say what it is...but...
I wanted a manga I had already read in English.
((Okane Ga Nai))

Yeah. That's about all for now. :)

Friday, March 7, 2014

sentence structure + kanji HELP!

I am posting this here because I really need some confirmation.
I have been reading a LOT and what I got out of it all are my following questions and these are the answers I received and I am VERY grateful for the person who answered my post.
I hope that anyone who reads this will verify or correct ANYTHING(if anything)!
something if need be!

((My questions - Answers given))

1. When creating a sentence in Japanese.
Subject - Object - Verb
EX. kore wa hon desu - this is a book.
1. Yes, that’s most common, but not 100% set in stone.

2. But what about more complex sentences?
"Focus" wa "Time" "Object" o "Verb"-masu
EX. Candace-san wa mainichi mizu o nomumasu. - Candace drinks water everyday.
2. Yes, it’s alright, and probably the most natural order. But again, not set in stone.

Is all that right?
3. Also, can you put a sentence in any order and it mean the same thing as long as there is a verb at the end(and all particles are used correctly)?
3. In theory, yes, though the nuance may change, and it may become less natural.

On yomi and Kun yomi
4. Most compounds are read with on-yomi?
4. Most, but there are many exceptions.

5. Kanji in compounds accompanied by hiragana are almost always read with their Kun-yomi?
5. Depends on what you mean by “accompanied,” but yes, basically.

6. Kanji that appears alone(not part of a compound in a sentence) are usually read with kun-yomi?
6. Depends on what you mean. If it’s a compound that’s not directly joined to hiragana, yes, usually *basically the same as question no. 4). But if it’s a single character that’s a word by itself, it’s at least as likely to be kun-yomi.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Just an F.Y.I.

I am always looking for people to talk to over on ツイッターTwitter to practice my Japanese.
Also want to let everyone know if you are practicing English I will gladly help you!(But me saying that in English isn't doing anyone any good)...I'll give it a shot.
don't laugh if I mess this up...?
((I can teach you English)).

I need to be doing these posts in Japanese....well what I know.
I need help.
I need to read more.
Listen more.
Although I watch a lot of Japanese Vloggers and listen to podcasts.
So follow me on Twitter and I will follow back.
Talk to me, help me by correcting me!

Monday, March 3, 2014


Before heading into Kanji I am going to work on my vocabulary.

I know all the Hiragana and Katakana but I figured I would work on vocabulary in those instead.
I figured it would be easier, not sure why, but yeah.
It has small tests.
If anything I wont forget Hiragana or Katakana! lol.
Kanji, I am pretty excited and nervous, but more excited than anything.

debating of rather or not I should add 20 Kanji a week to the 28 vocabulary I already am doing?
I will probably try it out for a few weeks just to see how it goes.


おはようございます, 漢字

Kanji(漢字) in the morning.
What a way to start the day?
I wanted to share another resource I use for vocabulary and Kanji.

For other resources I use you can find them here and here.


Monday, February 24, 2014


Blasphemy2010 (side account; Japanese and English)
Blasphemy90 (main account; English only).
So, I made a family friendly twitter account where I will be practicing my 日本語(Nihongo/ Japanese)。
So if you want, you can follow me.
It'll be a bunch of the most random sentences. Anything that pops in my mind plus any questions I may have.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I don't really have anything to update on, I just wanted to let anyone who actually reads this to know, I am still practicing.
Mostly vocabulary and Kanji.
Also share a few more things I use to study with.

Denshi Jisho
This so far has been the most helpful, for me when it comes to Kanji.

Virtual Japanese Keyboard
I've gotten some good use out of this.

That's about all that I can add to the list of things I use for learning Japanese.
Here is a list of other things I use. ^-^

Friday, February 7, 2014


What the f*ck even is this!?
I know what they are but holy hell are they ... something else. lol.
I am trying to find a way to approach them.
I do a vocabulary list.
I randomly write ones I see and look them up.
Or I start with the radical and add to them for different meanings.
I don't know if doing all of them together is helpful or not.
If you know of an easier way to go by learning them or a simple way for explain them,
please do tell me!


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Update 3

Tonight I went thru 4 columns of Katakana!
So I am HALFWAY thru!
Which means after this is Kanji!
The only frustrating thing about being at this point is, I can read most of what I see but I still don't know what most of it says! D:
It's exciting though!
Every bit of progress I make is motivation!
So I can't wait to see where I am at the middle or end of this year!
Slowly but sure I'll get there!

*edit* - I didn't sleep last night, so I did another column. I usually only do 2 columns a day.
I know not to do that again.
I started feeling like I was frying my brain. -_-'
I'm just going to stick to 2 a day.


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Update 2

I wanted to update on the progress I have made thus far.
A big random jumble of things...sorry.

I started learning December 24th and so far, I only know my Hirigana, a few Katakana and very few Kanji.
Once I got my Hirigana down, I kind lazy and didn't go straight into Katakana...
I'll start actually tying to learn them today.

I did recently get the double consonants!
I was always wondering why there was a small tsu(つ) between things.

Other than kana, I know random vocabulary.
I know how to introduce myself.
Ask for things.
Say hello, good morning, good evening, good night.
Small things like that.
How to address someone as far as he, she, they goes.
Also here, there, over there, where, this, that(by you), that(over there), which, etc.
Some foods, and family members, mostly the ones I use the most.
Like I said, a lot of random vocabulary
Creating sentences I'm getting the hang of.
I try reading every chance I get!
Youtube titles and descriptions, Tumblr posts, Twitter status.
That is actually how I have learned some of the Katakana and Kanji. ^-^
With Kaji, I'm still trying to get the on and kun yomi right.
I'm actually learning all this on my own with the resources I posted in my last entry.
I need to get a book that I has been refer by many vloggers I watch called, Genki.
But ANYWAYS, I'm not sure what else to add, besides, I am excited to learn more!

Friday, January 31, 2014

I'm A Stay At Home Mom

I never really did too good in school, but I have always loved learning.
I am a mother and I love teaching my son in any way possible.

I figured I would share links to the things I use.
These are all English alphabet and language.
ABC worksheets
Endless Alphabet - It's no longer free unfortunately,
and has change a lot since my son first started using it,
but it is still one of our favorite apps!
Reading Raven - Another favorite app of ours.

These are a few of the things I use for Japanese.
All are free.
Hiragana & Katakana
Hiragana Lessons

For Beginners
Kanji a Day



Friday, January 17, 2014


 I have been practicing! ^-^
Using Twitter and Instagram.
I know a lot of the kana.
Basically I know what it says but not what they mean. lol.
A little frustrating, but so exciting!

I've been drawing a good bit lately which I'm surprised seeing as how inspiration and motivation aren't my friends right now. :\

That's really all that's been happening lately to make mention of.
