Monday, February 24, 2014


Blasphemy2010 (side account; Japanese and English)
Blasphemy90 (main account; English only).
So, I made a family friendly twitter account where I will be practicing my 日本語(Nihongo/ Japanese)。
So if you want, you can follow me.
It'll be a bunch of the most random sentences. Anything that pops in my mind plus any questions I may have.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I don't really have anything to update on, I just wanted to let anyone who actually reads this to know, I am still practicing.
Mostly vocabulary and Kanji.
Also share a few more things I use to study with.

Denshi Jisho
This so far has been the most helpful, for me when it comes to Kanji.

Virtual Japanese Keyboard
I've gotten some good use out of this.

That's about all that I can add to the list of things I use for learning Japanese.
Here is a list of other things I use. ^-^

Friday, February 7, 2014


What the f*ck even is this!?
I know what they are but holy hell are they ... something else. lol.
I am trying to find a way to approach them.
I do a vocabulary list.
I randomly write ones I see and look them up.
Or I start with the radical and add to them for different meanings.
I don't know if doing all of them together is helpful or not.
If you know of an easier way to go by learning them or a simple way for explain them,
please do tell me!


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Update 3

Tonight I went thru 4 columns of Katakana!
So I am HALFWAY thru!
Which means after this is Kanji!
The only frustrating thing about being at this point is, I can read most of what I see but I still don't know what most of it says! D:
It's exciting though!
Every bit of progress I make is motivation!
So I can't wait to see where I am at the middle or end of this year!
Slowly but sure I'll get there!

*edit* - I didn't sleep last night, so I did another column. I usually only do 2 columns a day.
I know not to do that again.
I started feeling like I was frying my brain. -_-'
I'm just going to stick to 2 a day.


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Update 2

I wanted to update on the progress I have made thus far.
A big random jumble of things...sorry.

I started learning December 24th and so far, I only know my Hirigana, a few Katakana and very few Kanji.
Once I got my Hirigana down, I kind lazy and didn't go straight into Katakana...
I'll start actually tying to learn them today.

I did recently get the double consonants!
I was always wondering why there was a small tsu(つ) between things.

Other than kana, I know random vocabulary.
I know how to introduce myself.
Ask for things.
Say hello, good morning, good evening, good night.
Small things like that.
How to address someone as far as he, she, they goes.
Also here, there, over there, where, this, that(by you), that(over there), which, etc.
Some foods, and family members, mostly the ones I use the most.
Like I said, a lot of random vocabulary
Creating sentences I'm getting the hang of.
I try reading every chance I get!
Youtube titles and descriptions, Tumblr posts, Twitter status.
That is actually how I have learned some of the Katakana and Kanji. ^-^
With Kaji, I'm still trying to get the on and kun yomi right.
I'm actually learning all this on my own with the resources I posted in my last entry.
I need to get a book that I has been refer by many vloggers I watch called, Genki.
But ANYWAYS, I'm not sure what else to add, besides, I am excited to learn more!