Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Masu Form

Masu Form/polite form

う to い
う, つ, る
飲(の)む - 飲みます(to drink)
取(と)る - 取ります(to take)
話(はな)す - はなします(to talk; speak)

...eる and ...iる
drop る add ます
見る - 見ます

する - し+ます
くる - き+ます
勉強する - 勉強します

Polite Negative
add ません instead of ます
わかる(to understand) - わかります(understand) - わかりません(don't understand)

add ます instead of ました
わかる - わかりました(I understood)

Negative Past
add ませんでした(I didn't understand) instead of ます

ましょう instead of ます
勉強しましょう。 - Let's study!

Verb Groups
Te Form
Masu Form
NEXT Ta Form

If there are any mistakes please comment with corrections, they are greatly appreciated!


Saturday, May 17, 2014

All resources

Instead of having them all spread out into different posts I figured I would post them all here in one.
I'll just update this post every time I find something new and useful.

1. Memrise There is also an app for apple and android
2. PuniPuni It's really cute. Looks like it's more for children but...that's what I like about it. ;P
3. Kanji-Link A very helpful and in depth explanation.
4. Denshi Jisho GREAT for looking up the meaning of a kanji and their stroke order. You can also search kanji by its radicals.
5. Rikaichan for Firefox(Rikaikun for Chrome) best thing I have installed onto my computer!
6. Google Japanese Input A Japanese keyboard for your phone basically. I use it everyday. Even has cute emojis I can't stop using. :3
7. Digital Japanese Keyboard Only good for Hirigana.
8. Lang-8 has been very helpful for me. I have met some very nice people thru that site.
9. Kana and Kanji Quiz(Windows App)Good for studying and practicing Katakana, Hirigana and Kanji.
10. Genki($20-$50+) Can be expensive...for some reason...but has good explanations and exercises.
11. Maggie Sensei One of my absolute favorite blogs! Very helpful. I have spent so much time on that blog! ^-^;

I think that's all I have for now.
I hope these are helpful.