Friday, March 28, 2014

Can I just say...

Something I think is pretty amazing.
I have met someone who speaks French, someone who speaks Arabic, someone who speaks Spanish and someone who speaks Russian.
We don't understand each other speaking our first language, but we understand each other when we speak Japanese.

It's just awesome that 1 language brings people together and that the language is no ones native language.
Can't wait to get better!!!
Self motivation!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Language Partner

I will say this, due to past experiences I prefer a female language partner when it comes to skype.
Rather you be someone just learning Japanese(like myself) or are learning English(I'll do my best to help you).
But any one can follow and talk to me on Twitter.
Will more than likely follow back.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014



Just felt like posting.

Purple is my favorite color. ^///^
ニャ ニャ


Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I am pretty sure I am screwing my self by going back and forth between different things.
one minute I'll be working on Kanji the next I'll be working on my Genki workbook then I'll be reading another book.
I need to focus on one thing at a time. Or at least spend a day or week with one and the next day or week with the other.

Anyways, random post about nothing really.
I hope everyone is well!

Saturday, March 22, 2014


I recently purchased Genki An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I.
It's been recommended many times so i figured I would give it a try.
I'm always so hesitant to buy things that are suppose to help me, because I don't know if they will work or not.
But I figured since so many people are referring to this book I should give it a go.
And so...I now have it and will see how well this goes. :\



Saturday, March 15, 2014

update 4

I have been pretty lazy this week with Japanese.
I was in an art block so I did nothing but study that entire time, now that I have gradually come out of it, I haven't been studying as much.

But I plan to do much better this coming week.
I bought my first manga in Japanese.
It's not my first manga, but my first manga that's in Japanese.
I'm just waiting for it to come in them mail. I have never bought a manga online.
Reluctant to say what it is...but...
I wanted a manga I had already read in English.
((Okane Ga Nai))

Yeah. That's about all for now. :)

Friday, March 7, 2014

sentence structure + kanji HELP!

I am posting this here because I really need some confirmation.
I have been reading a LOT and what I got out of it all are my following questions and these are the answers I received and I am VERY grateful for the person who answered my post.
I hope that anyone who reads this will verify or correct ANYTHING(if anything)!
something if need be!

((My questions - Answers given))

1. When creating a sentence in Japanese.
Subject - Object - Verb
EX. kore wa hon desu - this is a book.
1. Yes, that’s most common, but not 100% set in stone.

2. But what about more complex sentences?
"Focus" wa "Time" "Object" o "Verb"-masu
EX. Candace-san wa mainichi mizu o nomumasu. - Candace drinks water everyday.
2. Yes, it’s alright, and probably the most natural order. But again, not set in stone.

Is all that right?
3. Also, can you put a sentence in any order and it mean the same thing as long as there is a verb at the end(and all particles are used correctly)?
3. In theory, yes, though the nuance may change, and it may become less natural.

On yomi and Kun yomi
4. Most compounds are read with on-yomi?
4. Most, but there are many exceptions.

5. Kanji in compounds accompanied by hiragana are almost always read with their Kun-yomi?
5. Depends on what you mean by “accompanied,” but yes, basically.

6. Kanji that appears alone(not part of a compound in a sentence) are usually read with kun-yomi?
6. Depends on what you mean. If it’s a compound that’s not directly joined to hiragana, yes, usually *basically the same as question no. 4). But if it’s a single character that’s a word by itself, it’s at least as likely to be kun-yomi.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Just an F.Y.I.

I am always looking for people to talk to over on ツイッターTwitter to practice my Japanese.
Also want to let everyone know if you are practicing English I will gladly help you!(But me saying that in English isn't doing anyone any good)...I'll give it a shot.
don't laugh if I mess this up...?
((I can teach you English)).

I need to be doing these posts in Japanese....well what I know.
I need help.
I need to read more.
Listen more.
Although I watch a lot of Japanese Vloggers and listen to podcasts.
So follow me on Twitter and I will follow back.
Talk to me, help me by correcting me!

Monday, March 3, 2014


Before heading into Kanji I am going to work on my vocabulary.

I know all the Hiragana and Katakana but I figured I would work on vocabulary in those instead.
I figured it would be easier, not sure why, but yeah.
It has small tests.
If anything I wont forget Hiragana or Katakana! lol.
Kanji, I am pretty excited and nervous, but more excited than anything.

debating of rather or not I should add 20 Kanji a week to the 28 vocabulary I already am doing?
I will probably try it out for a few weeks just to see how it goes.


おはようございます, 漢字

Kanji(漢字) in the morning.
What a way to start the day?
I wanted to share another resource I use for vocabulary and Kanji.

For other resources I use you can find them here and here.
