Wednesday, October 15, 2014


50 vocabulary words every week(or 2 depends).
N5 vocabulary on Memrise.

levels 18 and 20
to take - とる - 取る
(the speaker’s) mother - はは - 母
umbrella - かさ - 傘
cute - かわいい - 可愛い
three - さん - 三
to stop(moving) - とまる - 止まる
underground train - ちかてつ - 地下鉄
nine(things) - ここのつ - 九つ
east - ひがし - 東
red - あかい - 赤い
sugar - さとう - 砂糖
word(s) - ことば - 言葉
heavy - おもい - 重い
Sunday - にちようび - 日曜日
music - おんがく - 音楽
birthday - たんじょうび - 誕生日
refrigerator - れいぞうこ - 冷蔵庫
river(traditional) - かわ - 河
to get tired - つかれる -疲れる
slippers - スリッパ -
previous - さき - 先
coffee - コーヒー -
curry - カレー -
day after tomorrow - あさって - 明後日
to buy - かう - 買う
bank - ぎんこう - 銀行
when - いつ -
place - ところ - 所
stairs - かいだん - 階段
light brown - ちゃいろ - 茶色
clear weather - はれ - 晴れ
near(beside) - そば - 側
swimming pool - プール -
pork - ぶたにく - 豚肉
please - どうぞ -
next year - らいねん - 来年
(the speaker’s) father - ちち - 父
pretty - きれい - 綺麗
weather - てんき - 天気
song - うた - 歌
to borrow - かりる - 借りる
corridor - ろうか - 廊下
yellow - きいろい - 黄色い
foot - あし - 足
picture - え - 絵
unskillful - へた - 下手
pupil - せいと - 生徒
noisy - うるさい - 煩い
rest, vacation - やすみ - 休み
I - わたし - 私

Friday, October 10, 2014

Studying + Japanese For Busy People and えもふり


this turned into an update of random things.
Long story short, I have not studied in about a week.
There is a lot going on right now, but I will try to start studying again today.
And hopefully I can keep it up.
Tonight I am just reviewing things I have already studied.
Refreshing my memory.

I recently bought Japanese For Busy People II.

I'm not done with book I but they are nice to have around.
They are mini motivations(among many other things).
Japanese For Busy People is my favorite series.
I hope I can find more like it.
It's quick continuous learning.
Goes into detail but not too much.
Just enough to teach you what you are learning.
What I REALLY like about it, is that it uses Japanese more than English.
And I think that is very important when learning Japanese.
For obvious reasons.

I am more active on Tumblr & Twitter.
Also, I made a video.
I've also started playing with emofuri.
My first attempt.

